Conference Credit 23


Thank you for attending the 2023 STEM Innovation Summit!

We are happy to provide certificates of attendance for hours earned while attending learnings sessions on May 16 and 17. Credit is available for both in-person and online attendees. Attendance will be verified.

TASL Credit:

This event was approved for 7 hours of TASL credit. Please note that TASL does not allow partial credit. We are unable to provide TASL credit for sessions viewed on-demand after the conference has ended.

PDP Hours:

Credit is available for learning sessions attended/viewed on May 16 and 17 only. We are unable to provide credit for sessions viewed on-demand after the conference has ended. 

Deadline to request TASL and PDP credit: August 18, 2023

The deadline to request TASL or PDP credit for attending the 2023 TN STEM Innovation Summit has passed. We are no longer accepting requests.

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