OLD Elevate TN

Career Exploration & Workforce Connections

Elevate TN seeks to create a pipeline of skilled workers in Tennessee. The statewide web portal is available for any public school teacher that serves grades 8 - 12 in any subject area including CCTE programs of study.  This portal provides students with job-shadowing and internship experiences, career exploration, and resume-building activities developed around local employer needs. Students can earn industry-recognized badges for their resumes while building skills that will support CCTE industry credentials. Download a one page informational sheet here.

Start using the platform by going to the website and select "Register Now" and select "Teacher/Counselor". Follow the steps to get started.

Elevate TN Site

Personalized Career Experiences

Elevate TN focuses on the student holistically by connecting student interests and values to local career pathways. The online courses align to CTE Programs of Study and provide students with industry-recognized badges for their digital resumes.

Connecting to Local Employers

Connecting students to local job opportunities is critical. The employer dashboard allows companies to list current job openings/internships as well as identify how they would like to engage with the K-12 educational community. Employers self-select to appear as guest speakers, field trip providers, and much more.

Course Badges

These are just a few of the 25+ badges students can earn and apply to their digital resumes within the Elevate TN platform.

  • Personal Finance
  • Agriculture
  • Supply Chain/Logistics
  • CyberSmart
  • Nursing Introduction
  • Workplace Soft Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Workplace Safety
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Food Preparation/Safety

Resume Building

Students gain experience building their resume, cover letters, and reference letters. Course badges earned automatically appear on the resume. Students 16 years and older can use their resume to apply for jobs and internships directly from the platform.

How can teachers create an account?

Visit www.elevatetn.org and select 'Register Now'.  Register as a 'Teacher/Counselor' and follow the prompts to create your account.

How can I add students to my class?

Teachers will create a class code that enables students to join a class. 

How does Defined Careers differ from Elevate TN?

You can use this side-by-side comparison to see how the platforms differ.

Can someone walk me through the platforms?

Explore both Defined Careers and Elevate TN with this recorded Webinar

Are the courses aligned to subject practices?

Yes, you may access a crosswalk that outlines how the four main courses are aligned to ELA, Science/Engineering, and Math practices. Access the crosswalks here: Career Prep, Consumer Math, CyberSmart, Workplace Foundations for Leadership.

Is there a cost to using Elevate Tennessee?

No, there no additional cost to use Elevate Tennessee for students grades 8-12. 

Is there a self-paced training option?

Yes, you can register and complete the self-paced EduNext course here.

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