Please read through our frequently asked questions below. If you need to submit a change request or extension request, please fill out the form and the bottom of the page. We will do our best to respond within 5 business days with approval or to request additional information.
Can I substitute a similar item if my item goes out of stock?
Yes, absolutely! You do not need to email or submit a change request to substitute a similar item for one you listed in your budget, nor do you need to ask permission to substitute a distributor or vendor.
Can I change the scope of my project?
You may submit a change request via our grant change request form if you need to make some changes to the scope of your project. However, please keep in mind that this is a competitive grant so it is unlikely that we will be able to approve a complete change in project scope.
What if I don’t spend it all?
If your items go on sale or something else happens and your budget changes, please use the grant change request form on our website to send us a quick note outlining how you would like to spend the difference on STEM or Robotics related activities. We don’t want you to have to return any funds, so we’re happy to work with you to spend any surplus you may encounter!
What if I cannot meet the spend or report deadline?
If you are having issues with the timeline, a deadline extension may be possible. Please utilize the grant change request form on our website to send us a quick note with details on the issues you have encountered. Please be sure to include the date you would like to extend to. Please note: Grants not completed by deadline may make the school ineligible for future funding until the project is complete.
I’m moving to a different school, can I take the grant funds and/or equipment with me?
All grant funds and items purchased with grant funds must remain at the school at which the application was originally written. If you are departing, please assign a new teacher to take over the project. Should a new teacher not wish to take over the project, the funds will need to be returned. Please contact us for information on how to return the grant funds.
Questions can be sent to
Thank you for submitting your STEM Grant change request. We will get back to you as soon as possible.