Application FAQ:
I teach a class that has a robotics component, can I apply?
No. This grant opportunity is for dedicated robotics programs only.
I teach a dedicated robotics class, but it does not travel to competitions nor meet outside of school hours. Can I apply?
How do I know how much funding I can request?
Please fill out the pre-qualification questionnaire via the "Start Here!" link above (after April 1, 2025), which will determine your amount. You can only fill out this questionnaire once. Amounts will range from $1,000 to $5,000 depending on factors such as program size, longevity, current funding, materials, etc…
Can my program apply for more than one grant? Can I apply for more than one grant?
A school/non-profit may only submit one application. If multiple applications are received from the same school/non-profit,
only the first one will be considered.
I can’t get the online form to work. Can I apply by email?
We're sorry but all applications must come through the online form. If your school internet or computer blocks our form, please try applying with a different computer or on a Wi-Fi connection from home or a public place outside of your school building.
How do I know if my school is in a TVA service area and receives power from a TVA distributor?
To check to see if your school is in a TVA service area and receives power, please check
the TVA website. The school or non-profit organization must be located in the TVA service area and receive power from a TVA distributor.
What cannot be purchased with grant funding?
- Food, unless during travel
- Furniture or fixtures unless the purchase can be justified as a necessary purchase for the robotics program
- Entertainment not related to Robotics competitions/events (such as theme parks, movies theaters, aquarium, city tour passes, etc...)
- Cash or gift cards
- Professional development
- Facility construction or renovation projects
- General office supplies not related to robotics
Will I be notified if I receive a grant or not?
Yes, we will notify all grant applicants regarding the status of their application by the deadline listed above.
Do I have to have the exact pricing for each item on my budget?
No. We understand prices can change over time and vary by store. Just estimate as closely as possible.
After Award FAQ:
Where can I get help with my EIN and/or my W9?
You can read about and download a blank W9 form on the IRS website: If you need help filling out the form or finding your EIN/TIN, please contact your school bookkeeper or district financial office. Battelle Education and TVA employees are unable to assist with the W9.
Can I substitute a similar item if my item goes out of stock?
Yes, absolutely! You do not need to email asking permission to substitute a similar item for one you listed in your budget, nor do you need to ask permission to substitute a distributor or vendor.
Can I change the scope of my project?
You may submit a change request via our
grant change request form if you need to make some changes to the scope of your project.
What if I don’t spend it all?
If your items go on sale or something else happens and your budget changes, please use the
grant change request form on our website to send us a quick note outlining how you would like to spend the difference on the robotics program. We don’t want you to have to return any funds, so we’re happy to work with you to spend any surplus you may encounter!
Is there a required format for the statement of finance due by the deadline listed above?
There is a very simple
final report form available on our website.
What if I cannot meet the spend or report deadline?
If you are having issues with the timeline, a deadline extension may be possible. Please utilize the
grant change request form on our website to send us a quick note with details on the issues you have encountered. Please be sure to include the date you would like to extend to. Please note: Grants not completed by the next grant cycle will cause the school to be ineligible for the next round of funding.
When and where will I receive my funds?
Grant payments are only made to an organization via ACH and will not be made to an individual. A W9 for the organization and ACH form is required and must be updated annually. Organizations unable to accept ACH payments are not eligible. We no longer issue paper checks for grant funds. Awards in a district will be combined and 1 payment will be made to the district. An email will be sent to the district office explaining the breakout of the awards. Payments are not made to individual schools. Funds should be available via your district finance office approximately 45 days after you have submitted your W9 and completed ACH form. Funds cannot be released until these two documents are submitted and verified.
I’m moving to a different school, can I take the grant funds and/or equipment with me?
All grant funds and items purchased with grant funds must remain at the school at which the application was originally written. If you are departing, please assign a new teacher to take over the project. Should a new teacher not wish to take over the project, the funds will need to be returned. Please contact us for information on how to return the grant funds.