School counselors have the unique ability and responsibility to prepare students for future careers that include steady employment and meaningful work. In 2014, the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) established the first STEM Leadership Council charged with developing a state-level STEM strategic plan.
In 2016, a new STEM Leadership Council cohort was established to develop lessons, programs, and guides based on the strategic plan. Two school counselors were included in the cohort of 25 representatives from K-12 and post-secondary education, industry representatives, and the Tennessee Department of Education with the express purpose of integrating career education into STEM education modules.
The resources included in this guide were designed to align with the newly revised Tennessee School Counseling Model and Standards, which were implemented in 2018. Use these resources as a starting point for integrating STEM career education into your classroom guidance, small group counseling, and individual student planning sessions.
School counselors are encouraged to collaborate with math, science, and technology teachers as part of the process of encouraging students to consider STEM careers. Separate STEM lesson plans for teachers were developed by teachers on the Leadership Council, and they include career information in addition to subject specific ways to teach standards in these subjects.