When schools and community organizations collaborate to strengthen student learning outcomes, everyone benefits. In this track, strategies for intentionally selecting and engaging community stakeholders will be shared.
Computer Science is emerging as an integrative part of high quality STEM instruction cutting across all grade levels and content areas. In this track, participants will discover innovative strategies and ideas for integrating students’ exposure to computer science and computational thinking concepts and skills as part of rigorous instruction.
Ensuring traditionally underrepresented populations of students have access to quality STEM teaching and learning experiences is a critical step to ensure STEM for All. In this track, key strategies for expanding access to STEM education for specific groups of students will be shared.
Classroom learning can be highly engaging when infused with innovative STEM instructional strategies. In this track, participants will explore effective and unique classroom techniques to enrich traditional curriculum.
A school culture is intangible, but it’s essential. This track will explore strategies for creating a shared sense of purpose and value, instructional norms of continuous learning and improvement, and collaborative relationships that drive a STEM school culture.
Mastering the skills necessary for the jobs of the future is essential in preparing students for the future. In this track, the employability skills students must possess to be successful are identified along with practices to promote post-secondary success.
Please review the key below to navigate the schedule.
Learning Track
Community Partnerships
Computer Science
Engaging Underrepresented Groups in STEM
Innovative Instructional Strategies
School Culture
STEM Career Awareness
Northwest TN Region
Northeast TN Region
East TN Region
Middle TN Region
Southeast TN Region
Upper Cumberland Region
West TN Region
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
School Leaders/Admin
District Leaders
STEM/Instructional Coaches
All Attendees
Miscellaneous Labels
Check-In and Breakfast