What does the role of school counselor look like at Maxine Smith
STEAM Academy?
YP: As the Professional School Counselor at Maxine Smith my role
falls on a continuum. One minute I can be counseling students on personal needs
and the next assisting them in gaining confidence to speak in front of large
audiences at a STEM Competition. Each day is new, engaging and exciting.
What influenced you to pursue school counseling as a career?
YP: Originally I started out
in college counseling but I soon realized that my passion was in helping
students develop. Counselors have the ability not only to witness academic
growth but also serve as a conduit for personal and career growth.
How do you tie in your counseling work with students to the
school’s focus on STEM?
YP: Maxine Smith has so many opportunities and activities
for students to engage and participate. Through providing career assessments,
high school planning and workshops, students are able to explore STEM related
How do you connect student career interests with the local
Memphis community?
YP: We foster partnerships with our local community to ensure
that students have experiential learning activities beyond what they are
learning in the classroom. Through our partnership with the Greater IT Council
of Memphis, students participate in our annual career fair where they are
able to ask questions and engage with businesses focused on science,
technology, engineering, arts and math. Through our AVID elective classes we
have a speaker series, which provides a smaller setting for speakers to engage
students in these areas.
Why do you love your job?
YP: The best part of my job is the children. We celebrate
successes and perceived failures. We build on strengths and weaknesses. I am
just happy to be along for their journey.
Yureka Pirtle began working as a Professional School Counselor for Memphis City Schools in 2009. Prior to becoming a school counselor she served in several other mental health positions within the Parkwood Behavioral Health System. She received her Bachelor of Science in Educational Psychology, Master of Science in School Counseling and Educational Specialist in School Counseling all from Mississippi State University. “Go Bulldogs!" Her biggest goal is to meet the needs of all students and to offer strategies for them to become confident and successful adults.