Investing in Rural STEM Education Across Tennessee
The TN Rural STEM Collaborative (TRSC), a year-long professional development program, is taking applications through July 26, 2021 -apply here.
Nearly 300,000 Tennessee students – about 1 in 3 – attend school in a rural county. Rural schools really matter to Tennessee’s future. The TSIN is proud to work alongside the Tennessee Department of Education to connect STEM education and build the capacity of rural educators and students across the state.
The Tennessee Rural STEM Collaborative (TRSC) is a year-long professional development program for educators across Tennessee that works towards ensuring that all rural students have access to high-quality learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by exposing them to 21st Century Skills and local STEM career pathways. The TRSC allows students to connect to the STEM elements in their own communities and explore career choices they might not have considered possible. Read more about the impact of this program in this EducationWeek whitepaper.
The TRSC program is designed to:
• Deepen understanding
of STEM educational issues and exercise educator voice and perspective to bring positive change within rural communities
• Identify assets
within rural communities that can support high quality STEM education and work-based learning
• Expand educator sphere of influence
within their school, district, and region
• Develop targeted solutions
that build upon assets and address current challenges within rural communities
Cohort members interact with professional learning communities (PLCs) that concentrate on a specific area of focus: Community & Postsecondary Partnerships, STEM Integrated Curriculum & Instruction, and Family Engagement. For each area of focus, participants engage in targeted professional development and meet experts in the field. You can learn more about the program and read teacher impact stories here.
In 4 years of implementation – 185 educators have been trained, 154 rural schools represented, and 39,028 students have been impacted.
“One of my favorite parts of our role is managing the TRSC program,“ says Brandi Stroecker, Director of TSIN. “Investing in rural education is a top priority for the network and for me personally as a first-generation college student that grew up in rural poverty. The work educators engage in through this professional development model boosts access and opportunity to STEM learning experiences. Each year, this program serves dozens of underserved rural counties across the state.”
The TRSC is open to K-12 Tennessee public school teachers, of any subject, who are interested in learning more about STEM educational issues and developing solutions to those issues specific to their students and communities. Educators receive a $600 stipend for participating and an additional $300 towards classroom implementation funds. Applications for the 2021-2022 cohort of the Tennessee Rural STEM Collaborative are open - applyhere.
This TRSC Spotlight report
explores the journey of amazing teachers and communities at the center of it all.