The majority of my background is working in higher education in academic and career advising. Most recently I transitioned to working with K-12 students through early postsecondary opportunities at the Tennessee Department of Education. Through the department’s partnership with TSIN for, I became familiar with the fabulous work Battelle does for both students and educators in STEM, and I thought, I’d love to be a part of that team and that mission!
As a former academic advisor, I have spent a lot of time helping students find career fields that align to their passions and skills. STEM careers meet so many diverse student goals. Not only are there tons of current and projected STEM career options in Tennessee, but STEM education also builds transferable skill sets, such as critical thinking and problem solving, which are fundamental to any career field. STEM education opens up a myriad of possibilities for everyone!
Quality STEM education begins with quality professional development opportunities for teachers. I’m thrilled to be able to collaborate with my new team and partners to plan and execute TSIN’s diverse STEM professional development opportunities for Tennessee’s hard-working educators.
I love to travel and experience new cultures, and I’m always interested in finding new art galleries and museums to explore.
One summer, I worked for room and board at a camp in Hawaii so I could snorkel, hike, and learn to surf!
Sarah can be found on Twitter @CookSarahJand via email at