The Tennessee Department of Education released state-level results for the 2012-2013 Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) yesterday. Tennessee students once again made gains on this year’s test, and particularly strong growth was shown in STEM subjects over last year. Proficiency in Algebra II is up 8.7 percentage points, Biology is up 6.4 points, and Algebra I is up 5 points.Read more The post TSIN Responds to 2012-2013 TCAP Results appeared first on Tennessee STEM Innovation Network.
The Tennessee Department of Education released state-level results for the 2012-2013 Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) yesterday. Tennessee students once again made gains on this year’s test, and particularly strong growth was shown in STEM subjects over last year. Proficiency in Algebra II is up 8.7 percentage points, Biology is up 6. 4 points, and Algebra I is up 5 points.
The TSIN is inspired by these results and congratulates the many teachers and students who worked hard to post such positive gains.
STEM education has deep ties to our economic well-being as a state. Increasing student interest and achievement in STEM fields is vital to Tennessee’s competitiveness in the global economy, and sustained gains in STEM content areas will further reduce the state’s STEM talent and skills gap. As Governor Haslam said in yesterday’s announcement, “All of these gains mean that our students are much better prepared for the science and engineering-based jobs of tomorrow, putting our state in a better position for economic growth.”
Thank you to our partners across the state for your commitment to improving STEM education. The TSIN will continue to work to improve the quality of STEM teaching and learning and to provide STEM opportunities for all.