On March 24, 2014 the Tennessee House of Representatives passed Resolution No. 192 sponsored by Representatives Harold M. Love, Jr. and Brenda Gilmore. The resolution recognized the efforts of the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network (TSIN) and its regional hubs and platform schools across the state and their work to ensure that all Tennessee students have […]Read more The post TN House Passes Resolution Recognizing TSIN, Hubs and Schools appeared first on Tennessee STEM Innovation Network.
On March 24, 2014 the Tennessee House of Representatives passed Resolution No. 192 sponsored by Representatives Harold M. Love, Jr. and Brenda Gilmore. The resolution recognized the efforts of the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network (TSIN) and its regional hubs and platform schools across the state and their work to ensure that all Tennessee students have access to quality STEM education and graduate from high school prepared for college and the workforce. TSIN thanks the TN House of Representatives for their support of the Network and STEM education throughout the state.
House Resolution No. 192
BY Representatives Harold M. Love, Jr. and Brenda GilmoreWHEREAS, Tennessee has made significant progress in advancing a bold education reform plan, and is recognized as a leader in the nation in its efforts to dramatically improve student achievement.
WHEREAS, in 2010 Tennessee received ‘Race to the Top’ funding to provide educational opportunities in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) for all Tennessee students, especially those in economically disadvantaged urban and rural areas.
WHEREAS, in the same year, the governor established the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network through the Race to the Top funding to promote and expand the teaching and learning of STEM education in K-12 public schools across the state.
WHEREAS, Tennessee STEM Innovation Network is a unique public-private collaboration between the Tennessee Department of Education and Battelle Memorial Institute and serves as the state’s primary vehicle for aligning STEM policies, practices, and partners.
WHEREAS, the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network has supported the expansion of STEM education statewide and created partnerships among K-12 schools and districts, institutions of higher education, businesses, community organizations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies.
WHEREAS, the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network has established six regional hubs and 9 STEM platform schools across the state which serve as a national model in STEM education that draws upon the richness and diversity of Tennessee’s STEM assets.
WHEREAS, these efforts have led to strong improvement for students including an additional 91,000 students proficient in K-12 math and nearly 10,000 more proficient in Algebra II since 2011.
WHEREAS, the 2013 according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)- also known as the Nation’s Report Card- Tennessee is one of the fastest-improving states in the nation in terms of student achievement outcomes across forth- and eight-grade reading and math.
WHEREAS, Tennessee students made great gains on NAEP between 2011 and 2013, state scores are still below the national average and on international assessments Tennessee ranks 80 th in math out of 116 countries and the US.
WHEREAS, the number of Tennesseans workers holding degrees and/or credentials in STEM-related areas is not meeting the current demand for Tennessee companies and STEM education is a vital part of the “Drive to 55”.
WHEREAS, much work remains to be done to help Tennessee students become competitive with their peers across the state, nation and world, and develop 21 st century skills in critical thinking, problem solving, innovation and collaboration essential to the state’s emerging innovation economy.
WHEREAS, the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network is working to increase student interest, participation and achievement in STEM, expand student access to effective STEM teachers and leaders, reduce the state’s STEM talent and skills gap, and build community awareness and support for STEM in order for Tennessee’s students to lead the nation in STEM knowledge and skills.
WHEREAS, the State of Tennessee provides generous incentives to attract STEM businesses to locate in Tennessee and employ Tennesseans in STEM careers.
WHEREAS, businesses can assist in the promotion of STEM college and career readiness by becoming active members of the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network in their local regions and provide in-kind and financial support for the efforts of the STEM Hubs and TSIN.
Be It Resolved BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED EIGHTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, that we hereby recognize the efforts of the Tennessee Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Innovation Network and its regional hubs and platform schools across the state and their work to ensure that all Tennessee students have access to quality STEM education and graduate from high school prepared for college and the workforce.
ADOPTED: March 24, 2014
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