Application Questions
Do I have to have the exact pricing for each item on my budget?
No. We understand prices can change over time and vary by store. Just estimate as closely as possible.
How do I know if my school is in a TVA service area and receives power from a TVA distributor?
Grants are open to all teachers or school administrators in public and private schools, grades K through 12, that are located in the TVA service area and receive power from a TVA distributor. To check to see if your school is in a TVA service area and receives power, follow the links on the right side at the top of this page.
What projects are NOT eligible for a grant?
Funds may not be used for furniture, cash, gift cards, travel, salary, food, general office supplies not related to STEM activities, or sports. Schools with previous TVA STEM Classroom grants who have received extensions and not yet completed their projects are not eligible for this grant cycle.
Are "Pandemic Response" grants available this year?
This was a one time offering for the 2020/2021 grant cycle and is not available for the 2021/2022 year.
I can't get the form to work. Can I apply via email?
We're sorry but all applications must come through the online form. If your school internet or computer blocks typeform, please try applying with a different computer or on a wifi connection from home or a public place outside of your school building.
Can my school apply for more than one grant? Can I apply for more than one grant?
Yes and yes! We cannot guarantee we will be able to fund multiple grants from one school or person, but you are more than welcome to apply with as many ideas as you would like.
A vendor wrote my application for me, is that ok?
If we receive multiple applications with the same language written by a vendor, those applications will be disqualified. Your application should be your own, unique work.
When will I be notified? Will I be notified if I didn't win?
All applicants will be notified, regardless of award status. Notifications will occur in mid-late December.
If my application is funded, when can I expect to receive funds?
We expect for accepted grants to receive their funding in early spring. Once an applicant receives notification of acceptance, we will email a request for the applicant's District W9. After the successful successful submission of a W9, applicants can expect to receive a check to their district office in approximately 60 days.
Questions Once Awarded
When will I be notified? Will I be notified if I didn't win?
All applicants will be notified, regardless of award status. Notifications will occur in mid-late December.
When and where will I receive my check?
Your check will be mailed to your district office by the end of February. All checks are mailed to the district office unless special arrangements have been made or if you are at a private school. If more than one school receives an award in a district, ONE check will be sent for all awards with a letter outlining which school is to receive which amount. Please contact your district and/or school financial office to inquire about the check before contacting Battelle.
Where can I get help with my W9?
You can read about and download a blank W9 form on the IRS website:
If you need help filling out the form, please contact your school bookkeeper or district financial office. Battelle Education employees are unable to assist with the W9.
Can I substitute a similar item if my item goes out of stock?
Yes, absolutely! You do not need to email asking to permission to substitute a similar item for one you listed in your budget.
What if I don’t spend it all?
If your items go on sale or something else happens and your budget changes, please send us a quick note outlining how you would like to spend the difference on STEM related activities. We don’t want you to have to return any funds, so we’re happy to work with you to spend any surplus you may encounter!
I’m moving to a different school, can I take the grant funds and/or equipment with me?
All grant funds and items purchased with grant funds must remain at the school at which the application was originally written. If you are departing, please assign a new teacher to take over the project. Should a new teacher not wish to take over the project, the funds will need to be returned. Please contact us for information on how to return the grant funds.
Is there a required format for the grant summary report due by June 30, 2021?
What if I need an extension or need to make some changes to my original proposal?
Please submit your changes via the simple form linked at the top of this page.